We inform you that personal data are processed by BE.MA.TEX SRL taking into account the changes introduced with EU Regulation 679/2016. In particular we specify that:

1) The owner of Data Control (T.T.D.) is BE.MA.TEX SRL
With Registered and Operating Office : Via Biella n. 50 - 13885 SALUSSOLA
Tel. +39 0161/99.37.58
Fiscal Code and Vat Number: 01679400026
Legal Mail:
3) The purpose of the T.D.
BE.MA.TEX SRL normally does not require and does not process particular data of the natural persons who relate to it, but limits itself to processing the data necessary for the execution of the contracts / obligations / legal transactions put in place with it. Any sensitive / particular data concerning (non-exclusive list) religious, political, union opinions; ethnic origins; social, health, family conditions and their relationships; inherited and / or patrimonial issues, which should be brought to the attention of this Company, will be processed only with the explicit consent of the interested parties. The data may be processed and / or transferred for promotional, advertising, marketing, including through profiling procedures, only if it has been given explicit consent, always revocable.
4) Legal basis of the T.D.
The processing of personal data is carried out by BE.MA.TEX SRL only if necessary for the execution of the obligations undertaken with it or for specific provisions of law and/or provisions of the Authorities or for legitimate interest and if the interested party has expressed the consent where required by law or specific contractual clauses.

5) Recipients of the T.D.
Recipients of the T.D. are the natural and / or legal persons as well as the Authorities who, in execution of the obligations assumed and / or due to legal obligations, must be made aware of the data processed. The recipients assume the status of Data Processing Manager and must comply with the provisions of art. 28 and segg. of the EU regulation 679/2016. 5 bis) BE.MA.TEX SRL, as part of its internal organization of the associative work, will designate INTERNAL EMPLOYEES authorized to the T.D. from the TTD.

6) Data transfer abroad.
Data is not transferred outside the EU without the consent of the data subject.
7) Data retention.
BE.MA.TEX SRL keeps the data for a period necessary to achieve the specific purposes of the processing, in compliance with contractual and / or regulatory obligations.
8) The rights of the interested parties
Interested parties will be able to exercise the rights foreseen by the regulation and the relative implementing measures. In particular, they will be entitled:
• to obtain access to their personal data and information on the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data processed, the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be communicated,
• to know the retention period of the personal data provided;

• to ask the data controller to rectify or delete personal data or limit the processing of personal data concerning them or to object to their processing, if they are no longer necessary for the purposes of processing or unlawfully processed. This right is not admissible if there is a legal or contractual obligation or a legitimate interest. These rights are exercised with a simple communication, even via e-mail, to the address of the owner indicated above. The answer will be provided, in an intelligible form, preferably by e-mail, at the latest within one month of the request. They will also have the right to lodge a complaint, if the interested parties consider that their rights and the procedure have not been respected, to the Guarantor on the protection of personal data (contact details in ) In any case, they will have the right to obtain, with a motivated and documented request, the correction or integration of data, if inaccurate or incomplete. This fulfillment will be executed without delay, after verification of the request. In some cases, they may also request that the treatment be limited, if the conditions provided for by the regulations are met. For the data processed with automated systems will also have the right to receive, if they will request the above addresses, in a structured format of common and legible use, the personal data concerning them in order to communicate them to another holder (portability right).
For all that is not specified here, please refer to the legislation in force and particularly to EU Regulation 679/2016 and to the website of the Guarantor
(e sul sito bisogna fare in modo che attraverso un “clic” si rimandi al testo del regolamento) e al sito del Garante

General information - PDF

Information to customers - PDF